The legal market in New Zealand is incredibly strong at the moment, with a talent shortage and good lawyers in high demand. This is driven by growth in the sector, firms not hiring as many graduates since Covid hit last year and overseas firms aggressively plucking talent out of NZ firms.
In the last six months, we have seen the salaries increase to meet the demand in the market and I am finding that candidates will typically get up to a 10-20% increase in salary by moving jobs. A number of candidates are holding off on making a move, waiting for a salary review at work in the coming months, but will typically only receive a 5-10% increase.
So, is it time to move on to move up? In this market, it would definitely appear so.
But, it's not just salary, there are a number of other benefits to making the move in this current market. Firms are offering a number of attractive benefits to attract the right talent; extra leave, flexible working, remote and part time opportunities, sign on bonuses and wellness and health packages.
Even deeper than the actual offering, a move can be a fresh start and a good refresh, and what perfect timing as we close out another difficult year ready to start anew in 2022. Your friends and colleagues are heading overseas or making the move, you don't want to be left behind. It is also an opportunity to get access to new work and clients, learn from new Partners and mentors and diversify your skills. They say a change is as good as a rest.
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F. Kennedy
Get in touch, if you want a confidential conversation around the current market and opportunities.